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World Community Grid

World Community Grid

World Community Grid brings people together from across the globe to create the largest non-profit computing grid benefiting humanity. It does this by pooling surplus computer processing power. We believe that innovation combined with visionary scientific research and large-scale volunteerism can help make the planet smarter. Our success depends on like-minded individuals – like you.

Working Time Directive – The SiMap ruling [Archived]

About the SiMap ruling, and the implications it has for the European Working Time Directive.

NHS Network

NHS Networks is a means of promoting and connecting the many networks which exist throughout the NHS – and encouraging the formation of new ones: clinical networks and administrative networks; local, regional and national networks; formally constituted, well-funded networks and loose networks which are simply people with shared interests sharing ideas.

NHS Employers

NHS Employers represents trusts in England on workforce issues and helps employers to ensure the NHS is a place where people want to work. NHS Employers is part of the NHS Confederation.

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