Useful Links

UK Operating Department Practitioners Message Group

This is where any UK Operating Department Practitioner can communicate with other ODPs to exchange ideas, comment on current issues, pass on news and information, advertise a meeting or a study day, seek advice on any professional related subject or get that piece of information you require regarding for a project an assignment or a certian piece of equipment, or even seek that job you have always wanted.

The Student Room

Be part of the UK’s largest and fastest growing student community.
It’s free to join and a lot of fun – Get inspired, express your ideas, interact and share

Clinical Waste Discussion Forum

The Clinical Waste Discussion Forum offers a focal point for the dissemination of information pertaining to any aspect of clinical waste management, a soapbox from which to share views and opinion, and a place to exchange practical knowledge and promote best practice. Post news items, discuss policy, ask a question of others, or offer an answer based upon your own knowledge and experience.

World Community Grid

World Community Grid

World Community Grid brings people together from across the globe to create the largest non-profit computing grid benefiting humanity. It does this by pooling surplus computer processing power. We believe that innovation combined with visionary scientific research and large-scale volunteerism can help make the planet smarter. Our success depends on like-minded individuals – like you.

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